902nd Quarter Master Platoon (WPXYAA)

The 902nd Quartermaster Platoon is an essential unit within the New Jersey National Guard. Let’s explore some details about this platoon: Food Service Operations: The 902nd Quartermaster Platoon ensures that soldiers receive hot meals during their training and drill...

3rd Battalion 254th Regiment (W8FHA3)

The 3rd Battalion, 254th Regiment (Battle Simulation Group) has a unique mission within the New Jersey Army National Guard. Let me provide you with some details about this battalion: Mission: The 3rd Battalion’s primary mission is to “train the trainer.” Much of their...

143rd Transportation Company (WP0LAA)

The 143rd Transportation Company is a significant unit within the New Jersey Army National Guard. Let’s explore some details about this company: COVID-19 Response: In March 2020, the 143rd Transportation Company was called to state active duty to assist state and...